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DIN EN 12201-2:2011-11

Plastics piping systems for water supply, and for drainage and sewerage under pressure - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Pipes; German version EN 12201-2:2011

German title
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssysteme für die Wasserversorgung und für Entwässerungs- und Abwasserdruckleitungen - Polyethylen (PE) - Teil 2: Rohre; Deutsche Fassung EN 12201-2:2011
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The European Standards of the DIN EN 12201 series specify requirements and test methods for components made from PE, their joints and to joints with pipeline components of other plastics or other materials for use in buried and above ground piping systems for the conveying of water intended for human consumption, including raw water prior to treatment, drainage and sewerage of wastewater under pressure, vacuum sewer systems and the transport of wastewater. Part 2 contains separate specifications for tubes or fittings for general, geometrical, mechanical and physical characteristics and for marking. The European Standard has been prepared by CEN/TC 155/WG 12 "Pressure systems of polyolefin material for gas supply, water supply and drainage and sewerage" (secretariat: BSI, United Kingdom) under active German collaboration of Joint Subcommittee NA 119-04-06-04 GUA "Kunststoffrohre in der Trinkwasserversorgung - PE-, PP-Wasserversorgung" ("Plastic pipes for drinking water supply - PE-, PP-water supply") of NAW.

23.040.05, 23.040.20, 93.030
Replacement amendments

Cooperation at DIN

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