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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN 6650-6:2014-12

Dispense systems for draught beverages - Part 6: Requirements for cleaning and disinfection

German title
Getränkeschankanlagen - Teil 6: Anforderungen an Reinigung und Desinfektion
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This standard has been prepared by NA 012-00-04 GA "Gemeinschaftsarbeitsausschuss FNCA/NAL: Getränkeschankanlagen" ("Joint Working Committee FNCA/NAL: Beverage dispensing systems"), of the NA 012 Standards Committee chemical apparatus engineering (FNCA) and the NA 057 Standards Committee Food and Agricultural Products (NAL). In NA 057 Standards Committee Food and Agricultural Products (NAL) the standardization work was coordinated within Working Committee NA NA 057-02-01 AA "Lebensmittelhygiene" ("Food hygiene"). This standard was prepared in cooperation with the study group "Getränkeschankanlagen" ("Beverage dispensing systems") of the Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmittel und Gastgewerbe (BGN) (Food and Restaurant Employers' Liability Insurance Association). This standard applies for beverage dispensing systems and specifies requirements for cleaning and disinfection targets, cleaning and disinfection intervals, cleaning and disinfection procedures, and cleaning agents and disinfectants for beverage dispense systems. Supplementary to this, a normative Annex gives microbiological test methods to determine the need for cleaning and an informative Annex gives criteria for a beverage-specific microbiological test method for filtered beer. Cleaning and disinfection of beverage dispensing sytems shall ensure that all soil is removed that can adversely affect beverages, syrups, components and systems, including any residues of syrup or beverages, microorganisms and their metabolic products. After cleaning and disinfection there shall not be any residues of cleaning agents or disinfectants in or on the beverage dispense system. The respective food business operator is responsible for the cleaning and desinfection. DIN 6650-1 serves vor detection, initiation and performance of the scope and content of the cleaning and desinfection measures. Due to the food technological requirements, the body responsible for this standard is the Food and Agricultural Products Standards Committee (NAL).

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