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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN 58952-2:2012-04

Sterilization - Transport baskets for sterile barrier systems - Part 2: Sterilizing baskets made of metal

German title
Sterilisation - Transportkörbe für Sterilbarrieresysteme - Teil 2: Sterilisierkörbe aus Metall
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Sterilizing baskets and instrument trays for sterilizing goods are used for treatment of medicinal products. They are intended for use as containers, for example, for surgical instruments which shall be sterilized after cleaning and disinfection. The standards DIN 58952-2 on sterilizing baskets and DIN 58952-3 on instrument trays for sterilizing goods from 1977 required fundamental revision in order to ensure, for example, that the dimensions and design of the used sterilizing baskets and instrument trays for sterilizing goods are adjusted to the sterilizers in which they are used. DIN 58952-2 The standard specifies requirements including dimensions and information supplied by the manufacturer for sterilizing baskets. The sterilization module has been specified in accordance with DIN EN 285. Furthermore, specifications for the information to be provided by the manufacturer, for example, for labelling and identification of the sterilizing baskets as well as criteria for the selection of a suitable sterilization basket have been laid down. DIN 58952-3 The standard specifies requirements including dimensions and information supplied by the manufacturer for instrument trays for sterilizing goods. Instrument trays for sterilizing goods which are used in sterilization containers shall correspond with the dimensions according to DIN EN 868-8. Specifications for cleaning, disinfection and sterilizability of the instrument trays for sterilizing goods as well as information to be supplied by the manufacturer have been laid down. The standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 063-04-04 AA "Sterilgutversorgung" ("Sterile supply") of the Medical Standards Committee.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 58952-2:1977-01 .

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