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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN 58949-3:2012-01

Disinfection - Steam disinfection apparatus - Part 3: Efficiency testing

German title
Desinfektion - Dampf-Desinfektionsapparate - Teil 3: Prüfung auf Wirksamkeit
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The task of disinfection comprises the killing of pathogens on and in contaminated objects.
The steam disinfection methods described in standard DIN 58949-3 are preferably intended for disinfection of bed equipment, but also of waste. The apparatus is, as a rule, one part of bed processing. For this reason, simultaneous use of systems for disinfection of waste is a problem due to the risk of pollution and odour nuisance. However, with corresponding organisational separation common usage of the apparatus for disinfection of bed equipment and waste is also possible.
The standard is applicable for efficiency testing of steam disinfection apparatus according to DIN 58949-2, including the disinfection process. It also applies for steam disinfection of waste which is subject to special requirements in order to prevent infection, that is waste which shall be treated according to § 17 of the Infektionsschutzgesetz (German Infection Prevention Act) or which correspond with Code 18 01 03 of the European Waste Catalogue.
DIN 58949-3 deals with the use of steam disinfection apparatus for treatment of waste from public and private medical facilities. The standard deals with types of test, test loads, test apparatus and biological indicators, extent of testing as well as procedure and expression of results. Annex B gives examples for the distribution of biological indicators and thermocouples.
Requirements which go beyond the ones contained in the standard result from the relevant legislation on the health and safety of workers at work. The same may happen with regard to requirements and tests of the pressure equipment.
The standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 063-04-03 AA "Desinfektionsapparate" ("Disinfection equipment") of the Medical Standards Committee (NAMed).

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 58949-3:2004-02 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN 58949-3:2020-09 .

Cooperation at DIN

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