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DIN 4102-16:2015-09

Fire behaviour of building materials and building components - Part 16: "Brandschacht" tests

German title
Brandverhalten von Baustoffen und Bauteilen - Teil 16: Durchführung von Brandschachtprüfungen
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DIN 4102-16 describes the uniform procedure for testing building materials in the "Brandschacht" according to DIN 4102-15. The background of the new edition is an update of the standardized products for "Brandschacht" testing. The "Brandschacht" test serves to test the fire behaviour of building materials. The "Brandschacht" consists of a vertical housing with a square cross-section into which a constant air flow is blown from below and from which flue gas is discharged above. In the "Brandschacht" there is a square gas burner for flaming the samples, which are arranged in a frame like a chimney around the burner. This standard differs from DIN 4102-16:1998-05 as follows: a) normative references have been updated; b) 4.2, Colour variations has been added; c) 4.4., Adjacent materials has been revised; d) Clause 5, Number and size of specimens has been revised; e) Clause 6, Conditioning and ageing of specimens has been revised; f) Clause 7, Requirements for specific materials has been edited; (7.2, 7.3, 7.8, 7.10, 7.12 have been deleted, 7.13, 7.14, 7.16, 7.17, 7.19, 7.21, 7.24 have been revised); g) Clause 8, Testing (8.3, 8.5) has been revised; h) Clause 9, Evaluation of test results (9.3) has been revised. This standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 005-52-01 AA "Brandverhalten von Baustoffen und Bauteilen - Baustoffe" ("Fire behaviour of building materials and building components - Building materials") of DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering (NABau) and replaces DIN 4102-16:1998-05.

13.220.50, 91.060.40
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 4102-16:1998-05 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN 4102-16:2021-01 .

Cooperation at DIN

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