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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN 33899-2:2014-02

Workplace exposure - Guide for the use of direct-reading instruments for aerosol monitoring - Part 2: Evaluation of airborne particle concentrations using Optical Particle Counters

German title
Exposition am Arbeitsplatz - Leitfaden für die Anwendung direkt anzeigender Geräte zur Überwachung von Aerosolen - Teil 2: Ermittlung der Konzentration luftgetragener Partikel mit optischen Partikelzählern
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The standard specifies the principles which are based on the assessment of one or more health-related aerosol fractions for which Optical Particle Counters (OPC) are used. Furthermore, it describes restrictions and possibilities for work hygiene. The OPC method supplements conventional long-term sampling of aerosol particles and provides possibilities with regard to instantaneous (direct-reading) measurement (instantaneous value measurement), time-related monitoring, aerosol development (mapping) as well as assessment of particle size distribution. The standard prepared by Working Group "Staub" (NA 095-03-01-01 AK) ("Particulate matter") at Working Committee "Messstrategien und Anforderungen an Messverfahren"("Measurement strategies and requirements for test methods") at the Standards Committee Safety Design Principles (NASG) of DIN adopts Technical Report CEN/TR 16013-2:2010 of CEN/TC 137 "Assessment of workplace exposure to chemical and biological agents" (secretariat: DIN, Germany) in modified form. With respect to the European reference document, in particular 8.2, 9.3 and clause 10 have been revised. Furthermore, a note to so-called aerosol spectrometers has been added to the introduction.


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