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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN 25457-1:2013-03

Activity measurement methods for the clearance of radioactive substances and nuclear facility components - Part 1: Fundamentals

German title
Aktivitätsmessverfahren für die Freigabe von radioaktiven Stoffen und kerntechnischen Anlagenteilen - Teil 1: Grundlagen
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DIN 25457-1 has been revised and compiled with DIN 25457-2 "Activity measurement methods for the release of radioactive residual materials and decommissioning components of nuclear facilities - Part 2: Principles for alpha radiation measurements" in order to avoid duplicate specifications and contradictions. The current state of measuring technology has been included, in particular the in-situ gamma spectrometry and scintillation detectors for surface measuring devices, along with the numerical calibration. The standard shall be applied for activity measurements in the framework of the release of radioactive substances as well as mobile objects, buildings, (nuclear) sites, installations or parts of installations that are activated or contaminated, originating from activities in the context of the Strahlenschutz-Verordnung (the German Radiation Protection Act) (StrlSchV) and are intended for use, recovery, disposal, possession or proliferation to third parties as non-radioactive substances. The standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 062-07-46 AA "Reststofffragen" ("Questions concerning residues") at NMP, Technical Section "Kerntechnik" ("Nuclear technology").

17.240, 27.120.10
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 25457-1:2012-04 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN 25457-1:2014-12 .

Corrected edition: Corrected document: Customers who purchased the previous document DIN 25457-1:2012-04 received free of charge

Cooperation at DIN

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