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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN 19742:2014-08

Soil quality - Determination of selected phthalates in sludge, sediment, solid waste and soil after extraction and determination using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS)

German title
Bodenbeschaffenheit - Bestimmung von ausgewählten Phthalaten in Schlamm, Sediment, festem Abfall und Boden nach Extraktion und Bestimmung mittels massenspektrometrischer Gaschromatographie (GC-MS)
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Phthalates are mainly used as plasticizers for plastics such as PVC and nitrocellulose. For the evaluation of phthalates, a fundamental distinction is made between low-molecular (for example, DEHP, DBP) and higher-molecular phthalates (for example, DINP, DIDP). Due to their hormone-like structure, low-molecular phthalates can cause health damage to humans during intake. This standard specifies a method for gaschromatographic determination of selected phthalates in sediment, sludge, soil and waste. Environmental matrices usually contain only the phthalates DBP (dibutylphthalate) and DEHP (bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate). Therefore, the method described could only be validated for these two parameters. Nonetheless, the method is also applicable for other phthalates, whereby in such cases the validation is carried out by the user. The standard describes the sample preparation, extraction and chromatographic determination of the phthalates. Qualification and quantification are carried out with a mass-specific detector. This standard has been prepared by Working Group NA 119-01-02-02-05 AK "Organische Analytik" ("Analytical Chemistry") of Working Committee NA 119-01-02-AA "Abfall- und Bodenuntersuchung" ("Waste and soil analysis") at the Water Practice Standards Committee (NAW) at DIN. This standard is based on the same procedure as DIN CEN/TS 16183 "Sludge, treated biowaste and soil - Determination of selected phthalates using capillary gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS)". This document contains validation data for sludge, treated biowaste and soil in contrast to DIN CEN/TS 16183.

13.030.01, 13.080.10

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