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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN 15905-1:2010-07

Entertainment technology - Audio-, Video- and Communication audio engineering for purposes in theatres and multi-purpose halls - Part 1: Requirements for own productions, co-productions and foreign productions

German title
Veranstaltungstechnik - Audio-, Video- und Kommunikations-Tontechnik in Veranstaltungsstätten und Mehrzweckhallen - Teil 1: Anforderungen bei Eigen-, Co- und Fremdproduktionen
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This standard applies to cable connections for technical sound and picture equipment and the associated electrical supply and communication connections and to general characteristics of systems and equipment in places for performances, such as theatres, multipurpose halls, exhibition halls, film studios, television studios and radio studios, playing and scene areas in the following structures: concert halls, schools, exhibitions, bars, discotheques, open air theatres and rooms for shows, events, cabarets and vaudeville shows. Operators of public address and interpretation systems should adapt to these specifications. This standard deals with the planning of technical sound and picture equipment to design own productions, co-productions and foreign productions efficiently. At DIN the Committee responsible for this standard is NA 149-00-03 AA "Bild- und Tonwiedergabe und Postproduction" ("Cinematography, Sound Processing and Postproduction").

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 15905-1:1998-04 .

Cooperation at DIN

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