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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN 14686:2010-05

Firefighting equipment - Switch cabinets for fixed generators (generating sets) ≥ 12 kVA in fire-brigade vehicles

German title
Feuerwehrwesen - Schaltschränke für fest eingebaute Stromerzeuger (Generatorsätze) ≥ 12 kVA für den Einsatz in Feuerwehrfahrzeugen
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The standard specifies general requirements for switch cabinets for fixed 3 phase generators with an output of ≥ 12 kVA in fire-brigade vehicles in accordance with the EN 1846 standard series and DIN 14555-3. 2 designs, each with analogue and digital visualization, including the minimum necessary control and monitoring elements are defined. Switch cabinets are devices which are used for the connection of electrical loads with voltages up to 400 V (DC three-phase current) maximum; they also contain all required protective equipment. This product standard will supersede the 2003-10 edition and first of all addresses the body manufacturers of fire-brigade vehicles. In particular, the standard covers aspects of quality, safety and occupational safety. At DIN the Committee responsible for this standard is NA 031-02-02 AA "Elektrische Betriebsmittel" ("Electrical equipment").

13.220.10, 29.130.20
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 14686:2003-10 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN 14686:2015-12 .

Cooperation at DIN

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