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148 search results

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Standard [CURRENT] 1928-04

DIN 1289:1928-04
Firefront for dutch tiles stoves; filling door for fuelling

from 24.60 EUR VAT included

from 22.99 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 2017-06

DIN 1946-6 Beiblatt 4:2017-06
Ventilation and air conditioning - Part 6: Ventilation for residential buildings - General requirements, requirements for measuring, performance and labeling, delivery/acceptance (certification) and maintenance; Supplement 4: Combined operation of ventilation installation packages and single room fireplaces for solid fuels - Installation examples

from 85.30 EUR VAT included

from 79.72 EUR VAT excluded

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Pre-standard 2021-09

DIN/TS 18843-1:2021-09
Residential solid fuel burning appliances - Combustion air devices - Control units for residential appliances - Part 1: Electrically powered, temperature-controlled combustion air devices
Procedure : Pre-Standard

from 51.00 EUR VAT included

from 47.66 EUR VAT excluded

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Pre-standard 2021-09

DIN/TS 18843-2:2021-09
Residential solid fuel burning appliances - Combustion air devices - Control units for residential appliances - Part 2: Mechanically controlled combustion air devices without auxiliary power
Procedure : Pre-Standard

from 45.40 EUR VAT included

from 42.43 EUR VAT excluded

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Pre-standard 2021-09

DIN/TS 18843-3:2021-09
Residential solid fuel burning appliances - Combustion air devices - Control units for residential appliances - Part 3: Electrically powered, flue gas component controlled combustion air devices
Procedure : Pre-Standard

from 51.00 EUR VAT included

from 47.66 EUR VAT excluded

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Pre-standard 2021-09

DIN/TS 18843-4:2021-09
Residential solid fuel burning appliances - Combustion air devices - Control units for residential appliances - Part 4: Additional functions of combustion air devices
Procedure : Pre-Standard

from 45.40 EUR VAT included

from 42.43 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 2020-12

DIN/TR 18844:2020-12
Residential solid fuel burning appliances - Models for formal documentation - Examples CE-marking and DoP according to the harmonized standards of CEN/TC 295 for roomheaters

from 85.20 EUR VAT included

from 79.63 EUR VAT excluded

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Pre-standard 2024-04

DIN/TS 18846-1:2024-04
Downstream catalytic converters for residential solid fuel burning appliances - Part 1: Test method for the determination of the efficiency of catalytic converters with by-pass directly installed downstream of the flue gas outlet for wood log local space heater with a maximum heat output of 15 kW
Procedure : Pre-Standard

from 62.20 EUR VAT included

from 58.13 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2005-02

DIN 18894:2005-02
Fireplaces fired by solid fuel - Woodpellet-fired independent heaters - Requirements, testing and marking

from 117.70 EUR VAT included

from 110.00 EUR VAT excluded

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Draft standard 2024-09

DIN 18896:2024-09 - Draft
Fireplaces fired by solid fuel - Technical specifications for installation

from 146.40 EUR VAT included

from 136.82 EUR VAT excluded

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