Short description
In order to further improve the air quality, especially in residential areas, and in particular to further reduce particulate matter emissions from domestic wood fring systems, the legislator amended the 1st Federal Immission Control Ordinance (1. BImSchV) in 2010, in which replacement or retrofitting regulations for existing single room firing systems were provided for. Accordingly, the retrofitting of a downstream dust reduction device in accordance with the state of the art allows the continued operation of existing single-room firing systems for which no proof of compliance with the dust emissions permitted for existing systems can be provided. Suitable dust reduction devices include electrostatic precipitators, where the separation capacity is influenced by the dust properties, the dust mass concentration and the flue gas volume flow, among other factors. These parameters in turn depend on the type and operation of the single-room firing system on the one hand and the fuel on the other. In order to enable comparability of the separation performance of different electrostatic precipitators, standardised test criteria are required, which are defined in this standard.