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DIN CEN/TS 16071:2010-12

DIN SPEC 91190:2010-12

Interoperability of Flight Data Processing (Air Traffic Control - Air Traffic Control) for application under the Single European Sky - Interoperability Regulation EC 552/2004; German and English version CEN/TS 16071:2010

German title
Interoperabilität der Flugdatenverarbeitung (Flugverkehrskontrolle - Flugverkehrskontrolle) zur Anwendung gemäß der Interoperabilitätsverordnung EG 552/2004 im Rahmen des Einheitlichen Europäischen Luftraums (SES); Deutsche und Englische Fassung CEN/TS 16071:2010
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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The European Union launched the Legislation "Single European Sky" (SES) in 2002 which was adopted in 2004 and largely amended in 2009. The SES legislation is based on a framework of four regulations. One of these regulations is the Interoperability Regulation (EC 552/2004 as amended). The objective of the Interoperability Regulation is to ensure interoperability of the European Air Traffic Management Network (EATMN) consistent with air navigation services. This Technical Specification CEN/TS 16071:2010 (DIN SPEC 1190) is for the production of conformity evidence for FDP-FDP ground-based system interoperability which has to be declared by the Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) before putting FDP-systems into service. The document defines the Technical, Operational and Maintenance requirements for Flight Data Processing (ATC-ATC) system interoperability. The technical details for the provision of Flight Data Processing (ATC-ATC) Interoperability is not included in this document. Flight Data Processing (FDP) Interoperability between ATC units is a key element to harmonise Flight Data systems data exchanges and critical to the functioning of a harmonised European Air Traffic Management system. FDP Interoperability can be achieved by the use of different techniques appropriate to the operational need, for example, message exchange, replication mechanisms and data sharing. Interoperability of FDP includes coordination and transfer; correlation and surveillance, facilitation of optimum routes, MTCD (Medium Term Conflict Detection) and resolutions, recovery support, ground-ground situation awareness and traffic management. The architectural framework in which the different actors have to inter-operate is of major importance to define the context in which the European Standards have to be developed. A consensus can be reached on the present state of the art in FDP interoperability. This state of the art is, however, not mature enough to be put into a European Standard (EN). The European Committee for Standardisation thus resolved to record the obtained technical consensus as the present specification, with informative status. This document thus does not give legal presumption of conformity to any piece of European legislation. This Technical Specification CEN/TS 16071:2010 (DIN SPEC 1190) has been prepared by CEN/TC 377 "Air Traffic Management" (secretariat: DIN) of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). Working Committee NA 131-05-02 AA "Flugverkehrsmanagement (ATM)" ("Air traffic management (ATM)") of the Aerospace Standards Committee (NL) at DIN, the German Institute for Standardization e. V., has participated in the preparation of the Technical Specification and is responsible for the German version.


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