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181 search results

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Standard [CURRENT] 2021-06

DIN 6812:2021-06
Medical X-ray equipment up to 300 kV - Rules of construction for structural radiation protection

from 121.20 EUR VAT included

from 113.27 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2022-11

DIN 6853-2:2022-11
Medical remote-controlled automatically-driven afterloading systems - Part 2: Radiation protection rules for installation

from 94.60 EUR VAT included

from 88.41 EUR VAT excluded

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Draft standard 2024-08

DIN 6855-101:2024-08 - Draft
Acceptance testing of nuclear medical measuring systems - Part 101: Radiation counting systems for measurements in vivo and in vitro

from 80.20 EUR VAT included

from 74.95 EUR VAT excluded

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Draft standard 2024-05

DIN 6858-201:2024-05 - Draft
Calibration and Quantification of the SPECT/CT - Part 201: Calibration of the SPECT/CT for Lu-177

from 50.70 EUR VAT included

from 47.38 EUR VAT excluded

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Draft standard 2023-09

DIN 6868-161:2023-09 - Draft
Image quality assurance in diagnostic X-ray departments - Part 161: Acceptance and constancy testing of dental radiographic equipment for digital cone-beam computed tomography

from 65.70 EUR VAT included

from 61.40 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 2023-10

DIN 6876 Beiblatt 1:2023-10
Operation of medical magnetic resonance systems; Supplement 1: General explanations and rationales

from 156.50 EUR VAT included

from 146.26 EUR VAT excluded

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Draft standard 2025-03

DIN EN 18167:2025-03 - Draft
Quality along the patient pathway in medical imaging in Radiology services; German and English version prEN 18167:2025

from 150.80 EUR VAT included

from 140.93 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2023-12

DIN EN IEC 60336:2023-12
Medical electrical equipment - X-ray tube assemblies for medical diagnosis - Focal spot dimensions and related characteristics (IEC 60336:2020 + Cor. 1:2022); German version EN IEC 60336:2021 + AC:2022

from 139.20 EUR VAT included

from 130.09 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2021-10

DIN EN 60601-1-3:2021-10; VDE 0750-1-3:2021-10
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-3: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral Standard: Radiation protection in diagnostic X-ray equipment (IEC 60601-1-3:2008 + A1:2013 + A2:2021); German version EN 60601-1-3:2008 + Cor.:2010 + A1:2013 + A1:2013/AC:2014 + A11:2016 + A2:2021

123.69 EUR VAT included

115.60 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2022-12

DIN EN IEC 60601-2-1:2022-12; VDE 0750-2-1:2022-12
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of electron accelerators in the range 1 MeV to 50 MeV (IEC 60601-2-1:2020); German version EN IEC 60601-2-1:2021

202.45 EUR VAT included

189.21 EUR VAT excluded

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