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Standard [CURRENT] 2023-07

DIN 19528:2023-07
Leaching of solid materials - Percolation method for the joint examination of the leaching behaviour of inorganic and organic substances

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from 135.10 EUR VAT included

from 126.26 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2023-07

DIN 19529:2023-07
Leaching of solid materials - Batch test for the examination of the leaching behaviour of inorganic and organic substances at a liquid to solid ratio of 2 l/kg

from 99.10 EUR VAT included

from 92.62 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2016-07

DIN 19631:2016-07
Leaching of construction products - Percolation method for the examination of the leaching behaviour of materials injected into the soil

This document describes a method for determining the release behavior during curing of grouts that cure in contact with soil and groundwater. These construction products contain organic and ...

from 91.80 EUR VAT included

from 85.79 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2011-09

DIN 38402-1:2011-09
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge - General information (group A) - Part 1: Recording of analysis results (A 1)

This standard is applicable for analysis results of the examination of water, waste water and sludge. It provides general information for correct and uniform indication of quantities and units of ...

from 77.90 EUR VAT included

from 72.80 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2017-05

DIN 38402-51:2017-05
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge - General information (group A) - Part 51: Calibration of analytical methods - Linear calibration (A 51)

This standard specifies several calibration strategies for physico-chemical and chemical analytical methods and the calculation of analytical results. The general framework for linear calibration ...

Corrected document: Customers who purchased the previous document DIN 38402-51:2015-09 received free of charge

from 135.10 EUR VAT included

from 126.26 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2013-12

DIN 38402-60:2013-12
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge - General information (group A) - Part 60: Analytical quality assurance for chemical and physicochemical water analysis (A 60)

Results obtained from water analysis form the basis for numerous decisions in the fields of health protection and environmental management. The reliability of analytical results plays an important ...

from 112.30 EUR VAT included

from 104.95 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 1985-07

DIN 38405-4:1985-07
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; anions (group D); determination of fluoride (D 4)

from 49.20 EUR VAT included

from 45.98 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2002-04

DIN 38405-7:2002-04
German standard methods for examination of water, waste water and sludge - Anions (group D) - Part 7: Determination of cyanides in low polluted water by liquid chromatography of ions or potentiometric titration (D 7)

from 77.90 EUR VAT included

from 72.80 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2011-09

DIN 38405-9:2011-09
German standard methods for examination of water, waste water and sludge - Anions (group D) - Part 9: Spectrometric determination of nitrate (D 9)

Nitrate ions are present in drinking, ground, surface and waste water in various concentrations and are also contained in procedures of biological wastewater treatment plants and in certain ...

from 77.90 EUR VAT included

from 72.80 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2011-04

DIN 38405-13:2011-04
German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge - Anions (group D) - Part 13: Determination of cyanides (D 13)

Water may contain dissolved and/or undissolved cyanides. They can be present as hydrogen cyanide, cyanide ions, cyanide complexes, organic compounds containing cyano groups and cyanogen chloride.

from 85.30 EUR VAT included

from 79.72 EUR VAT excluded

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