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Standard [CURRENT] 2023-05

DIN EN 15522-1:2023-05
Oil spill identification - Petroleum and petroleum related products - Part 1: Sampling; German version EN 15522-1:2023

from 115.70 EUR VAT included

from 108.13 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2023-07

DIN EN 15522-2:2023-07
Oil spill identification - Petroleum and petroleum related products - Part 2: Analytical method and interpretation of results based on GC-FID and GC-low resolution-MS analyses; German version EN 15522-2:2023

from 378.20 EUR VAT included

from 353.46 EUR VAT excluded

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Draft standard 2024-03

DIN EN 15522-2/A1:2024-03 - Draft
Oil spill identification - Petroleum and petroleum related products - Part 2: Analytical method and interpretation of results based on GC-FID and GC-low resolution-MS analyses; German and English version EN 15522-2:2023/prA1:2024

from 58.30 EUR VAT included

from 54.49 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2016-12

DIN EN 16789:2016-12
Ambient air - Biomonitoring with Higher Plants - Method of the standardized tobacco exposure; German version EN 16789:2016

This European Standard applies to the determination of the impact of ground-level ozone on a bioindicator plant species (tobacco Nicotiana tabacum cultivars Bel-W3, Bel-B and Bel-C) in a given ...

This European Standard applies to the determination of the impact of ground-level ozone on a bioindicator plant species (tobacco Nicotiana tabacum cultivars Bel-W3, Bel-B and Bel-C) in a given ...

from 121.20 EUR VAT included

from 113.27 EUR VAT excluded

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Draft standard 2024-05

DIN EN 18074:2024-05 - Draft
Industrial decarbonization - Requirements and guidelines for sectoral transition plans; German and English version prEN 18074:2024

from 133.20 EUR VAT included

from 124.49 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2023-05

DIN EN ISO 4484-1:2023-05
Textiles and textile products - Microplastics from textile sources - Part 1: Determination of material loss from fabrics during washing (ISO 4484-1:2023); German version EN ISO 4484-1:2023

from 87.90 EUR VAT included

from 82.15 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2023-08

DIN EN ISO 4484-3:2023-08
Textiles and textile products - Microplastics from textile sources - Part 3: Measurement of collected material mass released from textile end products by domestic washing method (ISO 4484-3:2023); German version EN ISO 4484-3:2023

from 121.20 EUR VAT included

from 113.27 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2019-06

DIN EN ISO 14064-1:2019-06
Greenhouse gases - Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals (ISO 14064-1:2018); German and English version EN ISO 14064-1:2018

from 203.40 EUR VAT included

from 190.09 EUR VAT excluded

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Draft standard 2024-05

DIN EN ISO 14064-1/A1:2024-05 - Draft
Greenhouse gases - Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals - Amendment 1 (ISO 14064-1:2018/DAM 1:2024); German and English version EN ISO 14064-1:2018/prA1:2024

from 50.70 EUR VAT included

from 47.38 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2020-05

DIN EN ISO 14064-2:2020-05
Greenhouse gases - Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements (ISO 14064-2:2019); German and English version EN ISO 14064-2:2019

from 156.50 EUR VAT included

from 146.26 EUR VAT excluded

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