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Standard [CURRENT] 2015-04

DIN 25401:2015-04
Terms and definitions of nuclear technology, only on CD-ROM

DIN 25401 contains terms and definitions from the field of nuclear technology for the physical and chemical basics, but also terms and definitions specific to the subjects of reactor design ...

from 257.90 EUR VAT included

from 241.03 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2024-12

DIN 25403:2024-12
Criticality safety in processing and handling of fissile materials - Principles

from 50.70 EUR VAT included

from 47.38 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 2015-12

DIN 25409 Beiblatt 1:2015-12
Remote handling devices for use behind shielding walls; Supplement 1: Recommendations for use

This Supplement complements DIN 25409 by recommendations for use of remote handling devices. DIN 25409 "Remote handling devices for use behind shielding walls" consists of the following parts ...

from 94.60 EUR VAT included

from 88.41 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2015-12

DIN 25409-1:2015-12
Remote handling devices for use behind shielding walls - Part 1: Remote handling tongs - Dimensions

This standard shall be applied to remote handling tongs which are primarily used to work with radioactive substances behind shielding walls. They are used as removable remote handling devices ...

from 43.40 EUR VAT included

from 40.56 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2022-04

DIN 25409-2:2022-04
Remote handling devices for use behind shielding walls - Part 2: Mechanical telemanipulators with three pivots - Dimensions

from 50.70 EUR VAT included

from 47.38 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2022-04

DIN 25409-3:2022-04
Remote handling devices for use behind shielding walls - Part 3: Mechanical telemanipulators with telescopic design - Dimensions

from 50.70 EUR VAT included

from 47.38 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2022-04

DIN 25409-4:2022-04
Remote handling devices for use behind shielding walls - Part 4: Mechanical telemanipulators with telescopic design - Requirements and tests

from 80.20 EUR VAT included

from 74.95 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2022-04

DIN 25409-5:2022-04
Remote handling devices for use behind shielding walls - Part 5: Mechanical telemanipulators with three pivots - Requirements and tests

from 72.60 EUR VAT included

from 67.85 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2015-12

DIN 25409-6:2015-12
Remote handling devices for use behind shielding walls - Part 6: Remote handling tongs - Requirements

This standard shall be applied to remote handling tongs which are used in high radiation fields, mostly hot cells with shielding made of lead (see DIN 25407-3). This standard specifies the minimum ...

from 43.40 EUR VAT included

from 40.56 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2023-03

DIN 25409-7:2023-03
Remote handling devices for use behind shielding walls - Part 7: Power manipulators with electric drives - Requirements and testing

from 72.60 EUR VAT included

from 67.85 EUR VAT excluded

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