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Draft technical rule

VDI 4259 Blatt 1:2019-11 - Draft

Catalogue of measures in case of suspicion of emission-related legionellosis outbreaks - Identification and investigation of aerosol-emitting environmental sources in the context of legionellosis outbreaks

German title
Maßnahmenkatalog bei Verdacht auf emissionsbedingte Legionellose-Ausbrüche - Identifizierung und Untersuchung Aerosol-emittierender Umweltquellen im Rahmen von Legionellose-Ausbrüchen
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Short description
This standard describes measures which, in the event of a legionella outbreak, enable the responsible actors (employees of the Trade Supervisory Office, Water Management Office, Immission Protection Authority, hygiene technicians, water sample processing laboratories and the Health Department) to assess as quickly as possible whether one of the technical facilities mentioned in the 42nd BImSchV is the cause of the outbreak. The standard also presents and evaluates analysis methods for the detection of Legionella from environmental and patient samples. Both established and new methods are taken into account. In addition, the standard contains a flow chart which integrates the evaluated detection methods into a comprehensive crisis management system.
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