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763 search results

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 2015-02

DBC Bauproduktenverordnung:2015-02; DBC 199-IS-D-2015:2015-02
The European Construction Production Regulation - Information brochure

Free of charge

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 2020-12-02

NAMUR NA 180:2020-12-02
Comparison of execution model NA 35 and HOAI

55.64 EUR VAT included

52.00 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 2019-10

VDI/gif 6209:2019-10
Redevelopment of real estate assets

In the real estate industry, dealing with existing objects and thus also the redevelopment of pre- or currently unused existing real estate (land and buildings) is increasing. The standard ...

from 113.70 EUR VAT included

from 106.26 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 2015-02

VDI 7001 Blatt 1:2015-02
Communication and public participation in planning and building of infrastructure projects - Training for work stages of engineers

The standard applies for training with the aim of qualification of interested persons in "communication an public participation" in planning and building of infrastructure projects. The training ...

from 58.00 EUR VAT included

from 54.21 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 2016-07

VDMA 24408-1:2016-07
Limit of the scope of the European Construction Products Regulation 305/2011/EU with respect to process plant and machinery - Part 1: General

from 20.60 EUR VAT included

from 19.25 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 2016-07

VDMA 24408-2:2016-07
Limit of the scope of the European Construction Products Regulation 305/2011/EU with respect to process plant and machinery - Part 2: Amendments to harmonised standards under the European Pressure Equipment Directive

from 32.70 EUR VAT included

from 30.56 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication DIN Media Recht 2021-07

HOAI 2021
Rechtstext und praxisnahe Einführung

from 28.00 EUR VAT included

from 26.17 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication DIN Media Kommentar 2021-09

Beck'scher VOB- und Vergaberechts-Kommentar
VOB Teil C - Allgemeine Technische Vertragsbedingungen für Bauleistungen (ATV)

319.00 EUR VAT included

298.13 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication DIN Media Recht 2022-01

Bekanntmachungen zum GEG
Texte, Erläuterungen, Grundlagen

from 38.00 EUR VAT included

from 35.51 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication DIN Media Recht 2022-01

Gebäudeenergiegesetz (GEG) und Bekanntmachungen zum GEG
Paket: Das neue Gebäudeenergiegesetz + Bekanntmachungen zum GEG

76.00 EUR VAT included

71.03 EUR VAT excluded

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