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ISO 14708-1:2000-11

Chirurgische Implantate - Aktive implantierbare medizinische Geräte - Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen an Sicherheit, Kennzeichnung und Informationen, die vom Hersteller bereitgestellt werden müssen

Englischer Titel
Implants for surgery - Active implantable medical devices - Part 1: General requirements for safety, marking and for information to be provided by the manufacturer

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Inhalt (en)

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Scope
  • Normative references
  • Terms and definitions
  • Symbols and abbreviated terms
  • General requirements for non-implantable parts
  • Requirements for particular active implantable medical devices
  • General arrangement of the packaging
  • General markings for active implantable medical devices
  • Markings on the sales packaging
  • Construction of the sales packaging
  • Markings on the sterile pack
  • Construction of the non-reusable pack
  • Markings on the active implantable medical device
  • Protection from unintentional biological effects caused by the active implantable medical device
  • Protection from harm to the patient or user caused by external physical features of the active implantable medical device
  • Protection from harm to the patient caused by electricity
  • Protection from harm to the patient caused by heat
  • Protection from ionizing radiation released or emitted from the active implantable medical device
  • Protection from unintended effects caused by the device
  • Protection of the device from damage caused by external defibrillators
  • Protection of the device from changes caused by high-power electrical fields applied directly to the patient
  • Protection of the active implantable medical device from changes caused by miscellaneous medical treatments
  • Protection of the active implantable medical device from mechanical forces
  • Protection of the active implantable medical device from damage caused by electrostatic discharge
  • Protection of the active implantable medical device from damage caused by atmospheric pressure changes
  • Protection of the active implantable medical device from damage caused by temperature changes
  • Protection of the active implantable medical device from electromagnetic non-ionizing radiation
  • Accompanying documentation
  • Relationship between the fundamental principles in and the clauses of this part of (informative)
  • Relationship between the clauses of this part of and the fundamental principles listed in Annex A (informative)
  • Rationale (informative)
  • Bibliography

Dokument wurde ersetzt durch ISO 14708-1:2014-08 .

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