Ergonomie der thermischen Umgebung - Bestimmung und Interpretation der Kältebelastung bei Verwendung der erforderlichen Isolation der Bekleidung (IREQ) und lokalen Kühlwirkungen
Englischer Titel
Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Determination and interpretation of cold stress when using required clothing insulation (IREQ) and local cooling effects
Comparison of IREQ and selected clothing insulation
Definition and calculation of duration limited exposure, D
Local cooling
Convective cooling
Conductive cooling
Extremity cooling
Airway cooling
Practical assessment of cold environments and interpretation
Procedure for determination of IREQ and D
Local cooling
Computation of thermal balance (normative)
Determination of respiratory heat exchange
Determination of evaporative heat exchange
Determination of evaporative resistance
Determination of the clothing area factor
Determination of the convective heat transfer coefficient
Determination of radiation heat transfer coefficient
Determination of resultant clothing insulation
Physiological criteria in cold exposure (informative)
General cooling
Duration limited exposure
Local cooling
Metabolic rate and thermal properties of clothing (informative)
Metabolic heat production
Basic and resultant insulation
Air permeability
Moisture absorption
Individual behaviour and clothing requirements
Determination of wind cooling (informative)
Examples of evaluation of IREQ (informative)
Continuous exposure
Intermittent exposure
Duration limited exposure
Computer program for calculating IREQ (informative)
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