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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI/ZDK-MT 6032 Blatt 1.1:2024-12

Ventilation and indoor-air quality in vehicles - Hygiene requirements for ventilation and air-conditioning systems - Passenger cars and trucks - Qualification of personnel

German title
Lufttechnik, Luftqualität in Fahrzeugen - Hygieneanforderungen an die Lüftungstechnik - Pkw/Lkw - Qualifizierung von Personal
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Short description
The maintenance and cleaning of air-conditioning systems in passenger cars and lorries is a key aspect for operational safety and overall hygiene. In order to apply the new standard VDI/ZDK 6032 Part 1, the concerned user groups shall in future also complete recurring qualification training. It is essential that the requirements for hygiene in mobile air-conditioning systems are communicated to users in recurring cycles. The training courses cover the basics of hygiene, the sensitive areas of mobile air-conditioning systems, and the areas of occupational health and safety and environmental protection. The target group of this standard includes automotive technicians, e. g. automotive mechatronics technicians, automotive service technicians, automotive master mechanics.
13.040.20, 43.040.60
Replacement amendments

This document has been corrected by: VDI/ZDK-MT 6032 Blatt 1.1 Berichtigung:2025-02 .

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