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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI/VDE-MT 7100:2024-04

Work design conducive to learning - Goals, benefits, terms and definitions

German title
Lernförderliche Arbeitsgestaltung - Ziele, Nutzen, Begriffe
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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German, English

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Short description
This standard offers companies support in maintaining and expanding their competitiveness in the course of the digital transformation by making work more conducive to learning and thus enabling the skills of all employees to be constantly adapted to the dynamics of constant change. The digital transformation changes how we live and work, but at the same time opens up new possibilities for how we learn in the future. Ideally, in the future, work will be designed in such a way that it is simultaneously conducive to learning and thus promotes lifelong and lifewide learning. Recommendations for action are given in further standards of the series VDI/VDE 7100 describing the necessary prerequisites, the introduction and also the evaluation of the measures for designing work that promotes learning. Learning at work (work-related learning) is an important field of action for companies in order to efficiently and effectively meet the requirements of competence maintenance and development in the digitalised working world and to exploit the learning potential of digitalised work systems. To enable learning at work, companies must create work systems and framework conditions that are conducive to learning. The standard is addressed to all manufacturing companies as well as to consulting firms and service providers of the latter and includes advice for large companies as well as for small and medium-sized enterprises. In particular, it is aimed at original equipment manufacturers such as machine manufacturers, human-technology interaction designers, automation engineers, intermediaries such as interest representatives, association engineers, (social partners), labour economy associations, trade associations, chambers, as well as continuing education providers and consultants. In manufacturing companies, it addresses team, group and main managers of internal departments such as human resources, production, industrial engineering, production IT, management and stakeholders.
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