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Technical rule [WITHDRAWN]

VDI/VDE 3695 Blatt 1:2010-11

Engineering of industrial plants - Evaluation and optimization - Fundamentals and procedure

German title
Engineering von Anlagen - Evaluieren und optimieren des Engineerings - Grundlagen und Vorgehensweise
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Original language
German, English

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Short description
The guideline can be applied to engineering organizations (EO) which plan, create and/or commission automated machines or plants. It is intended to support EOs in assessing their own current situation and to give advice for them which target status under the given constraints and conditions are desired. It is shown how the desired target status as well as costs, risks and chances are related and closely connected to the adoption of the procedure. Scope of this part of the guideline is to describe the basics and approaches, to explain the modus operandi and works for the user as an instruction for use. It will also be assumed that the EO is involved in the project business and, in doing so, carries out activities in one or more of the project-related, consecutive phase acquisition, planning, realization and commissioning.
Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: VDI/VDE 3695 Blatt 1:2020-11 .

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