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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI/VDE 2650 Blatt 5:2006-08

Requirements regarding self-monitoring and diagnosis in field instumentation - Temperature measurement

German title
Anforderungen an Selbstüberwachung und Diagnose in der Feldinstrumentierung - Temperaturmessung
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Short description
VDI/VDE 2650 Part 5 lists the most important application-specific faults and fault conditions for contact thermometer, thermocouples and radiation thermometer and their occurrence from the users' point of view. The occurrences indicated for each measurement method are meant as relative weightings. Occurrence 1 means often, Occurrence 3 means rare. In this context application-specific faults may not be understood as device failures. Fault conditions indicate deviations from the intended operating modes.
17.200.20, 35.240.50
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