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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI/ÖFR/SWKI 6022 Blatt 8:2024-09

Ventilation and indoor-air quality - Cleaning of VAC systems and air ducts

German title
Raumlufttechnik, Raumluftqualität - Reinigung von RLT-Anlagen und Luftleitungen
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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German, English

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Short description
This standard applies to the cleaning concepts, cleaning methods and cleaning processes required by VDI 6022 Part 1, Part 1.1 and Part 6 in connection with the cleaning of ventilation and air-conditioning systems and devices as well as all air ducts and their central and decentralised components. When planning and carrying out cleaning, both the supply air and the exhaust air of the ventilation and air-conditioning system must be taken into account. It also explicitly applies to controlled residential ventilation and describes the respective requirements for methods, persons carrying out the work and objectives. As a rule, cleaning is preferable to disinfection for ventilation and air-conditioning systems. Disinfection thus remains an exception. The disinfection process itself is only considered in this standard insofar as it refers to the responsibility and careful handling of disinfectants, but not to the concrete implementation. This standard is the basis for invitations to tender in this regard and the evaluation of work carried out. It is intended to give both the person carrying out the work and the plant operator security in the selection and evaluation of procedures, as well as of service providers and services. In addition, it is a tool for planners to fulfil their responsibility, as described in VDI 6022 Part 1, in the preparation of cleaning concepts already in the planning phase.
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