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Technical rule [WITHDRAWN]

VDI 6024:2003-06

Saving of water in sanitary engineering

German title
Wasser sparen in der Sanitärtechnik
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Short description
The guideline presents reference values for water consumption without giving guidance on how to achieve these values. This is the starting point. This guideline describes how to plan or modernise drinking-water systems in such a way that the reference values are not exceeded. It is important that the system be so designed that only the desired flow of water, depending on comfort and appliances (example: washing-machine), can be tapped. This means that this guideline deals with the reduction of drinking-water consumption to achieve a desired volume (water service), but not with the substitution of drinking-water (example: use of rain water and grey water). Where heated drinking-water is saved, a reduction of the energy requirement for water heating is also achieved. This implies a turther reduction in the cost of hot water and an addition benefit to the environment.
Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: VDI 6024 Blatt 1:2008-09 .

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