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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 4471 Blatt 1:2012-05

Anti-theft systems for goods - Technology comparison and compatibility of electronic article surveillance systems (EAS) referred to the source tagging - Fundamentals

German title
Warensicherungssysteme - Technologievergleich und Kompatibilität von elektronischen Artikelsicherungssystemen (EAS) bezogen auf Quellensicherung - Grundlagen
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Original language
German, English

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Short description
The number of system variants must be reduced to a defined level in order to make source proteetion financially worthwhile. To do this, the framework conditions for reducing the number of systems in terms of a minimum standard are first created on the basis of the requirement profiles of all parties to the distribution process, while at the same time avoiding regulations that would be too stringent and which would hamper the potential for further development in the future. The emphasis therefore is on describing the essential function parameters of a security tag for each technology. This guideline is a pragmatic tool with which all parties involved in anti-theft systems for good or source proteetion can do justice to teir own requirements while also meeting the requirements of others who are not necessarily known to them.
35.040.50, 55.020
Replacement amendments

This document replaces VDI 4471 Blatt 1:2002-07 .

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