Measurement of airborne microorganisms and viruses in ambient air - Active sampling of bioaerosols - Separation of airborne bacteria with impingers using the principle of critical nozzle
German title
Erfassen luftgetragener Mikroorganismen und Viren in der Außenluft - Aktive Probenahme von Bioaerosolen - Abscheidung von luftgetragenen Bakterien mit Impingern nach dem Prinzip der kritischen Düse
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Short description
The present guideline VDI 4252 Part 3 defines requirements for active sampling of airborne and particle- bound bacteria in ambient air by impingement using the principle of a critical nozzle. The guideline defines general principles, that shall be considered for ambient air measurements of bacteria. Sampling according to the present guideline is the prerequisite to obtain a sample for subsequent analysis of bacteria according to guideline VDI 4253 Part 3.