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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 4251 Blatt 1:2019-09

Measurement of airborne microorganisms and viruses in ambient air - Planning of plant-related bioaerosol measurements - Traverse measurement

German title
Erfassen luftgetragener Mikroorganismen und Viren in der Außenluft - Planung von anlagenbezogenen Bioaerosolmessungen - Traversenmessung
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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German, English

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Short description
This standard describes general rules to be considered when planning plant-related traverse measurements of microbial air pollutants. The traverse measurement described here serves to determine a plant- or source-related mean range of microbial air pollutants. This medium range enables an assessment of the influence of the plant, because effect-related immission limit values could not be determined so far. The standard describes measurement strategies that can be applied during normal operation and/or at emission peaks, depending on the task at hand.
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