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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 4202 Blatt 2:2004-07

Minimum requirements for suitability tests of ambient air quality measuring systems - Optical remote sensing systems for the measurement of gaseous pollutants

German title
Mindestanforderungen an automatische Immissionsmesseinrichtungen bei der Eignungsprüfung - Optische Fernmesseinrichtungen zur Messung von gasförmigen Immisssionen
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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German, English

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Short description
The guideline specifies the minimum requirements to be applied in the suitability tests of optical remote sensing systems with active light source, which are used for measurements of the e.g. rural or urban background along a measuring path. Under specific boundary conditions other applicateions are possible such as investigations in street canyons or tunnels.
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