Short description
The standard describes a biomonitoring method for the determination of the current load of a site by both acidic and eutrophying air pollutants by means of lichen exposure of Hypogymnia physodes. Lichens react particularly sensitive to airborne pollutants with graded and quantifiable visible damage. Thus, with the help of lichen exposure it is possible to estimate the invisible disturbances of other organisms (e.g. mycorrhizal fungi, trees, peat moss). The foliose lichen Hypogymnia physodes is exposed on wooden exposure boards, usually for an exposure period of one year. Pollutant induced lichen body injury serves as measurand. In principle, two types of investigation are possible which can also be combined in long-term monitoring programs: location comparison and trend monitoring. The method is suitable for monitoring the environment of point sources (chimney) and line sources (roads) or of areas polluted at large scale. Practical possible applications are, for example, environmental monitoring of an industrial plant, verification of the effectiveness of emission reduction measures, or preservation of evidence (environmental impact assessment (EIA), Environmental Liability Act).