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Technical rule [WITHDRAWN]

VDI 3837:2006-03

Groundborne vibration arising from rail systems at-grade - Spectral prediction method

German title
Erschütterungen durch oberirdische Schienenbahnen - Spektrales Prognoseverfahren
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Short description
In this guideline, the basic dependencies for the emission, transmission and immission of vibrations are shown. Built upon this, a spectral forecast for vibrations in the frequency range of 4 Hz to 80 Hz, which originate from overground tracks, is described. The procedure can be applied for existing tracks or tracks that are to be newly constructed.
Show contents (de,en)
17.160, 93.100
Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: VDI 3837:2013-01 .

This document has been corrected by: VDI 3837 Berichtigung:2006-09 .

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