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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 3789:2019-04

Environmental meteorology - Interactions between atmosphere and surfaces - Calculation of spectral short-wave and long-wave radiation

German title
Umweltmeteorologie - Wechselwirkungen zwischen Atmosphäre und Oberflächen - Berechnung der spektralen kurz- und der langwelligen Strahlung
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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German, English

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Short description
With only a few exceptions, the solar radiation is the primary source of energy for all processes on Earth. The influence spectrum ranges from the formation of fossil fuels to weather patterns, the formation of plant biomass up to the induction of skin cancer. To determine the effect of the solar radiation knowledge of either the action spectra or the effective efficiency is necessary. The standard describes a calculation method by which the spectral irradiance of direct and diffuse solar radiation can be calculated for arbitrarily oriented surfaces with a cloudless and overcast sky. Cloudy skies only give information about hourly averages of spectral irradiance.
07.060, 13.040.01
Replacement amendments

This document replaces VDI 3789 Blatt 2:1994-10 , VDI 3789 Blatt 3:2001-10 .

This document has been corrected by: VDI 3789 Berichtigung 1:2019-11 .

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