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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 3752 Blatt 1:1993-07

Characteristic noise emission values of technical sound sources; machine-tools; punch-presses

German title
Emissionskennwerte technischer Schallquellen; Werkzeugmaschinen; Pressen zum Schneiden von Blech (Schneidpressen)
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Short description
The document describes the noise emission characteristics of presses for closed-tools cutting of sheet metal (punch-presses). It applies to single-stroke operated mechanical, hydraulic and hydromechanical punch-presses of different frame designs, with nominal forces between 16 kN and 6300 kN, as well as continuous-stroke operated punch-presses with nominal forces between 250 kN and 2000 kN and maximumstroke rates of 1500 per minute. The current state of noise reduction at the time of publication is defined.
17.140.20, 25.120.10

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