Short description
The standard describes the use of planning and control systems for the planning, coordination, disposition and control of truck loading and unloading processes in industrial and commercial companies, container and car terminals, distribution centers, airports, and seaports as well as chemical parks. Such systems are initially intended to achieve a smoothing of the truck movements over the day, week or month and, as a result, a more uniform utilisation of the available load space capacities in the planning level. On the one hand, the available store location resources (ramps, gates, etc.), employees and loading aids (e.g. cranes or forklifts) are to be used more efficiently and, on the other hand, congestion and long throughput times for the trucks are more avoidable. Planning and control systems offer the possibility, depending on the system design, to systematically support the control and coordination of the trucks upon their arrival at the site. This can range from a simple manual retrieval in the system interface to complex mathematical optimisation methods. The systemic support for the collection or provision of materials and goods in the goods receipt and exit as well as the organisation of the goods provision and/or collection are not contained in this standard.