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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 3608:2015-10

Belt conveyor for bulk material - Conveyor belt

German title
Gurtförderer für Schüttgut - Fördergurt
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Short description
The choice of the conveyor belt influences not only the height of the capital costs, but also the service costs and maintenance costs of the whole band conveyor and its planned life span and duration of application. The standard describes the conveyor belt components used in band conveyors for bulk materials. Herewith the manufacturers and operators of band conveyors have an overview on the composition of the conveyor belt being used. The calculation and arrangement of band conveyors is not an object of this standard.
Replacement amendments

This document replaces VDI 3608:1990-10 .

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