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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 2700 Blatt 8:2024-09

Securing of loads on road vehicles - Test requirements for vehicle transporters and load securing devices for securing passenger cars and cargo minivans as well as heavy commercial vehicles on vehicle transporters

German title
Ladungssicherung auf Straßenfahrzeugen - Prüfanforderungen an Fahrzeugtransporter und Ladungssicherungsmittel zur Sicherung von Pkw sowie leichten und schweren Nutzfahrzeugen auf Fahrzeugtransportern
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Original language
German, English

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Publication date
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German, English

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Short description
This standard applies to all vehicle transporters that are suitable for the transport of passenger cars, minibuses and vehicle combinations of passenger cars and commercial vehicles in accordance with DIN 70010 up to and including 4,5 tonnes actual mass and are equipped in accordance with standard VDI 2700 Part 8.1. This standard also applies to all vehicle transporters that are suitable for the transport of medium to heavy commercial vehicles with an actual mass of up to 20 tonnes and a maximum wheel diameter of 1,25 m and are equipped in accordance with standard VDI 2700 Part 8.2. The standard is intended for vehicle manufacturers, component manufacturers and vehicle owners. Information on load securing for passenger cars and trucks on vehicle transporters and their equipment can be found in VDI 2700 Part 8.1 and VDI 2700 Part 8.2.
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