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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 2700 Blatt 15:2009-05

Securing of loads on road vehicles - Slip-inhibiting materials

German title
Ladungssicherung auf Straßenfahrzeugen - Rutschhemmende Materialien
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Short description
This guideline applies to any slip-inhibiting materials used on road vehicles (see VDI 2700, Section 1.2.1). The present guideline defines the requirements applicable to this field of use. Transport conditions are of decisive importance when selecting suitable slip-inhibiting materials and corresponding methods for load securing. Not only should the dimensions, weight, and material of the load be taken into consideration, but also the specific characteristics of the loading surface. This guideline describes the possible applications, handling, use and safety requirements, inspection and criteria for disposal for slip-inhibiting materials in general, and for anti-slip mats in particular. Basically, Basically, all relevant guidelines and standards relating to load securing do apply, so that cargo can be transported safely and securely. Whenever slip-inhibiting materials are used properly, dangers can be avoided which could arise, for example, from a load being positioned on the slipinhibiting material in such a way that the load is also in direct contact at another point with the underlying surface (e. g. loading surface) which has a lower coefficient of friction than the slip-inhibiting material. To ensure safety, slip-inhibiting materials must be deployed in a way that they are externally visible without the load having to be lifted or shifted.
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