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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 2700 Blatt 10.3:2018-08

Securing of loads on road vehicles - Securing of precast concrete elements - Packaged concrete products

German title
Ladungssicherung auf Straßenfahrzeugen - Ladungssicherung von Betonfertigteilen - Paketierte Betonwaren
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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German, English

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Short description
This standard describes a selection of suitable methods and procedures for securing packaged concrete products on road vehicles in road transport. These concrete products have a similar surface texture, which is characteristic for the frictional properties. This also applies to the underside of the products. Packed concrete products are transported both without and with load carriers (usually wooden pallets). The variety of practical types of packaged concrete products and their combination possibilities with load carriers can not be fully taken into account. The same applies to the possibilities of the load securing system and its aids as well as the vehicle types used. The standard is addressed to the sender, carrier, shipper, driver, truck owners and those who are responsible for the securing of loads on road vehicle and their secure transportation by law, regulation, contract or other regulations.
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