Technical rule [CURRENT]
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Photo-catalysis is a very efficient advanced oxidation technique which enables the production of hydroxyl radicals (-OH) or perhydroxyl radicals (-OOH), capable of partly or completely mineralizing/oxidizing the majority of organic compounds. Its principle is based on the simultaneous actions of photons and of a catalytic layer which allows degradation of molecules. The most commonly used photo-catalyst is titanium dioxide (TiO2), the latter being thermodynamically stable, non-toxic and economical. It can be used in powder form or deposited on a substrate (glass fibre, fabrics, plates/sheets, etcetera). The objective is to introduce performance standards for photo-induced effects (including photo-catalysis). These standards will mainly concern test and analysis methods. This document prescribes the conditions for irradiating photocatalytic surfaces in order to perform photocatalytic efficiency tests. In addition, the measurement and documentation of these irradiation conditions with respect to the spectral distribution, irradiance and homogeneity are given.