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Technical rule [CURRENT]

DIN CEN/TS 16375:2013-03

DIN SPEC 10791:2013-03

Liming materials - Determination of the amount of residual finely ground carbonate in soils - Volumetric method; German version CEN/TS 16375:2013

German title
Calcium-/Magnesium-Bodenverbesserungsmittel - Bestimmung der Menge feingemahlener Carbonatrückstände in Böden - Volumetrisches Verfahren; Deutsche Fassung CEN/TS 16375:2013
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The Technical Specification has been prepared at CEN/TC 260 "Fertilizers and liming materials" (secretariat: DIN) by Working Group WG 3 "Fertilizers and liming materials", under German chairmanship and with the active collaboration of German experts. The national Mirror Committee is Working Committee NA 057-03-02 AA "Düngemittel" ("Fertilizers") of the Food and Agricultural Products Standards Committee (NAL). The Technical Specification specifies a method for the determination of low content (as < 5 g CaCO3 per kilogram) of carbonate in soil samples. It applies to any type of carbonate liming material, such as limestone, chalk, and dolomite. Hydrochloric acid is added to a soil sample to decompose any carbonates present. The volume of the carbon dioxide produced is measured with a measuring burette, and is compared with the volume of gas produced by increasing amounts of calcium carbonate added to test portions. To avoid making corrections for differences in temperature and pressure, all determinations are carried out under the same conditions, with a very strict control of ambient conditions and determination timing, for example, air-conditioned room and water bath, short time during which the variation of atmospheric pressure is supposed to be nearly constant. An illustration of the apparatus to be used (calcimeter) and a description of its components are given in the document. An inter-laboratory test has been carried out in 2010 with four participating laboratories and three different samples of limed soil. This test yielded the determination of the precision data given in the document. Due to the low number of laboratories participating in the inter-laboratory test (4 laboratories), this method is initially published as a Technical Specification. DIN EN 60684-3-247 This part of IEC 60684 gives the requirements for two types of heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving, dual wall, not flame retarded with a nominal shrink ratio of 3:1. This sleeving has been found suitable for use at temperatures of up to 100 °C. Type A: Medium wall - internal diameter up to 200,0 mm - Type B: Thick wall, internal diameter up to 200,0 mm These sleevings are normally supplied in colour black. Since these types of sleevings cover a significantly large range of sizes and wall thicknesses, Tables A.1 and A.2 provide a guide to the range of sizes available. The necessary size shall be agreed between the user and supplier. Materials which conform to this standard meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application should be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this standard alone. The responsible committee is K 181 "Feste elektrische Isolierstoffe" (AK 181.0.5 "Isolierschläuche") ("Solid electrical insulating materials" (WG 181.0.5 "Insulating sleeving")) of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.


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