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Technical rule [CURRENT]

DIN CEN/TS 15480-4:2012-06

DIN SPEC 91130-4:2012-06

Identification card systems - European Citizen Card - Part 4: Recommendations for European Citizen Card issuance, operation and use; English version CEN/TS 15480-4:2012

German title
Identifikationskartensysteme - Europäische Bürgerkarte - Teil 4: Empfehlungen für Ausgabe, Arbeitsweise und Benutzung der Europäischen Bürgerkarte; Englische Fassung CEN/TS 15480-4:2012
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DIN CEN/TS 15480-4 is part of a series of Technical Specifications with requirements for a European Citizen Card (ECC). The ECC is a smart card which is issued by a national or local authority and which contains credentials to allow one or all of the following services: - identity verification; - use as travel document within the European Union; - facilitation of logical access to government eServices or services of local service facilities. DIN CEN/TS 15480-1 specifies the physical, electrical and transport protocol-related characteristics for the European Citizen Card, whereas DIN CEN/TS 15480-2 specifies the data elements and data structures to be used, the services supported by the ECC and the associated command set. DIN CEN/TS 15480-3 expands the set of Technical Specifications by an interoperability model which enables an eService to interoperate with different implementations of the European Citizen Card. DIN CEN/TS 15480-4 extends the series of Technical Specifications by recommendations with regard to operational procedures of card issuance, including citizens' registration. Recommendations for the end-user regarding privacy and accessibility aspects as well as a set of standard ECC card profiles that can be used as a basis for the specification of new ECC projects are specified. The target audience of this Technical Specification is the card issuer. The Technical Specification has been prepared by CEN/TS 224 "Personal identification, electronic signature and cards and their related systems and operations". The German interests were represented by NA 043-01-17-04 UA "Austauschprotokolle bei Chip-Karten" ("Exchange protocols for chip cards").


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