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Technical rule [CURRENT]

DIN CEN/TS 13649:2015-03

DIN SPEC 33969:2015-03

Stationary source emissions - Determination of the mass concentration of individual gaseous organic compounds - Sorptive sampling method followed by solvent extraction or thermal desorption; German version CEN/TS 13649:2014

German title
Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Bestimmung der Massenkonzentration von gasförmigen organischen Einzelverbindungen - Sorptive Probenahme und Lösemittelextraktion oder thermische Desorption; Deutsche Fassung CEN/TS 13649:2014
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Short description
This Technical Specification specifies procedures for the sampling, preparation and analysis of individual volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in waste gas, such as those arising from solvent using processes. Examples of individual VOC are given in relevant industry sector BAT Reference documents (BREFs). The methods described in this document are limited to those compounds that can be analysed by gas chromatography. The results obtained are expressed as the mass concentration of the individual gaseous organic compounds. This document is suitable for measuring individual VOCs whose ranges vary depending on compound and test method, refer to Annex B and C. This Technical Specification may be used to meet the monitoring requirements of the Industrial Emission Directive (IED) and associated supporting documents. This Technical Specification is not suitable for measuring total organic carbon (TOC). For the measurement of the mass concentration of total organic carbon then EN 12619 is applicable.

This Technical Specification specifies the procedure for the sampling of individual volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in waste gas as well as sample preparation and analysis. The source of waste gas can be, for example, solvent-using processes. Sampling occurs by adsorption on sorbents, preparation by solvent extraction or thermodesorption and analysis by gas chromatography. Examples of individual organic compounds are given in relevant industry sector BAT reference documents (BREFs). This Technical Specification is applicable in conjunction with the Industrial Emission Directive (IED) and associated supporting documents. It is relevant to operators of IED-related systems, surveillance authorities and measurement institutes.


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