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Technical rule [CURRENT]

DIN CEN/TS 13149-8:2014-02

DIN SPEC 4618:2014-02

Public transport - Road vehicle scheduling and control systems - Part 8: Physical layer for IP communication; English version CEN/TS 13149-8:2013

German title
Öffentlicher Verkehr - Planungs- und Steuerungssysteme für Straßenfahrzeuge - Teil 8: Physikalische Schicht für IP-Kommunikation; Englische Fassung CEN/TS 13149-8:2013
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The Technical Specifications in the EN 13149 series provide rules for data communication systems on-board public transport vehicles. Part 8, together with Part 7 and Part 9, describes a complete solution parallel to, but independent of, Parts 1 to 6. Nowadays, Public Transport (PT) vehicles have an increasing array of information and communications systems, for example, Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) systems, destination displays, passenger announcement systems, vehicle monitoring systems, etcetera). Other applications are beginning to be included such as advertising screens, tourist guides and WiFi hotspots. These systems which are provided by different suppliers, shall be accordingly integrated into the vehicle. Since the requirements are very different (voice transfer, communication to the control, etcetera), a clear technology framework is necessary in order to be able to integrate these systems. Since IP networks are currently used as a core network technology and will also be used in the future, existing Parts of EN 13149 shall be supplemented with corresponding IP requirements. Parts 7 to 9 of this series of standards are particularly directed at the developers of public transport vehicles communicating with each other on the IP basis (IEE 802 technology).

35.240.60, 43.040.15

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