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Technical rule [WITHDRAWN]

DIN CEN/TR 15990:2010-11

DIN SPEC 1072:2010-11

Data Sheets - Footwear Tests Materials and Test Adhesives; German version CEN/TR 15990:2010

German title
Datenblätter - Schuh-Testwerkstoffe und Schuh-Testklebstoffe; Deutsche Fassung CEN/TR 15990:2010
Publication date
Original language
Technical report

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The Technical Report delivers for the first time a set of footwear test adhesives and test materials which is valid throughout Europe. Therewith the long-standing wide acceptance of the test adhesive and test material formulations contained therein which have been developed for the shoe industry and their suppliers by the "Technische Kommission Schuhklebstoffe" ("Technical Committee on Footwear Adhesives") of the IVK (German Adhesives Association) should be ensured in the German-speaking countries. For research, development and quality certification purposes some simply formulated 1- and 2-part "reference test adhesives" have been developed. From the most important and most often applied materials, some have been selected as "reference test materials". This document delivers information about each of these reference test adhesives and reference test materials and specifies some properties. CEN/TC 193/Working Group 5 takes care for a continuous updating of these data sheets. The Committee responsible for this standard is NA 062-04-52 AA "Schuhe" ("Footwear") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: DIN CEN/TR 15990:2011-02; DIN SPEC 91072:2011-02 .

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