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Technical rule [WITHDRAWN]

DIN CEN ISO/TS 14071:2016-06

DIN SPEC 35803:2016-06

Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Critical review processes and reviewer competencies: Additional requirements and guidelines to ISO 14044:2006 (ISO/TS 14071:2014); German and English version CEN ISO/TS 14071:2016

German title
Umweltmanagement - Ökobilanz - Prozesse der Kritischen Prüfung und Kompetenzen der Prüfer: Zusätzliche Anforderungen und Anleitungen zu ISO 14044:2006 (ISO/TS 14071:2014); Deutsche und Englische Fassung CEN ISO/TS 14071:2016
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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This Technical Specification provides additional specifications to ISO 14040:2006 and ISO 14044:2006. It provides requirements and guidelines for conducting a critical review of any type of LCA study and the competencies required for the review. DIN CEN ISO/TS 14071 provides: - details of a critical review process, including clarification with regard to ISO 14044:2006; - guidelines to deliver the required critical review process, linked to the goal of the life cycle assessment (LCA) and its intended use; - content and deliverables of the critical review process; - guidelines to improve the consistency, transparency, efficiency and credibility of the critical review process; - the required competencies for the reviewer(s) (internal, external and panel member); - the required competencies to be represented by the panel as a whole. This Technical Specification does not cover the applications of LCA. This Technical Specification could be applicable to other standards that require independent verification of procedures and claims based on LCA (for example, ISO 14045, ISO 14025, ISO/TS 14067), but it may be necessary to adapt it to the specific areas of application. Other reference standards may be included in the critical review process. CEN ISO/TS 14071:2015 has been prepared by Technical Subcommittee ISO/TC 207/SC 5 "Life cycle assessment" (secretariat AFNOR, France) of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and has been adopted as CEN ISO/TS 14071 without any amendment. The responsible national standardization committee is Working Committee NA 172-00-03 AA "Ökobilanzen und umweltbezogene Kennzeichnung" ("Life cycle assessment and environmental labeling") at DIN Standards Committee Principles of Environmental Protection (NAGUS). A DIN SPEC based on the pre-standardization procedure is the result of standardization work which has not yet been published as a standard by DIN because of certain reservations about the content or because the procedure for drawing it up differs from that for a standard.

Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 14071:2025-02 .

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