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Technical rule [CURRENT]

DIN CEN ISO/TR 22411:2014-12

DIN SPEC 33421:2014-12

Ergonomics data and guidelines for the application of ISO/IEC Guide 71 to products and services to address the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities (ISO/TR 22411:2008); German version CEN ISO/TR 22411:2011

German title
Ergonomische Daten und Leitlinien für die Anwendung des ISO/IEC Guide 71 für Produkte und Dienstleistungen zur Berücksichtigung der Belange älterer und behinderter Menschen (ISO/TR 22411:2008); Deutsche Fassung CEN ISO/TR 22411:2011
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Original language
Technical report

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This Technical Report presents ergonomics data and guidelines for applying ISO/IEC Guide 71 in addressing the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities in standards development. It provides: - ergonomics data and knowledge about human abilities - sensory, physical, cognitive abilities - and allergies; - guidance on the accessible design of products, services and environments. Each of its design considerations or recommendations is based on ergonomic principles that are necessary for making products, services and environments accessible to older persons and those with disabilities. It is applicable to products, services and environments encountered in all aspects of daily life, as well as in the consumer market and workplace (herein, the term "products and services" is used to cover all these areas). While it does not provide techniques for designing assistive devices, some of its provisions do, however, support interoperability with assistive technology. Conformity assessment of any international, regional or domestic standards is outside its scope.

01.120, 11.180.01, 13.180

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