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Technical rule [WITHDRAWN]

DIN 51401 Beiblatt 1:2013-08

Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) - Terms; Supplement 1: Explanations

German title
Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie (AAS) - Begriffe; Beiblatt 1: Erläuterungen
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This document has been prepared by Working Committee NA 062-08-15 AA "Grundlagen der analytischen Atomspektroskopie" ("Basic principles of analytical atomic spectroscopy") of the Material Testing Standards Committee (NMP) at DIN. This supplement contains additional references and explanations for terms defined in DIN 51401. As a result, the section designations given in DIN 51401 will also be used. The explanatory supplements shall primarily provide information about the practical application of AAS. With respect to DIN 51401, this supplement does not contain any new definitions of a normative nature and is therefore only to be used in conjunction with DIN 51401. Terms defined in DIN 51401 are labelled with an asterisk (*).

01.040.71, 71.040.50
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 51401-1 Beiblatt 1:2000-04 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN 51401 Beiblatt 1:2017-07 .

Cooperation at DIN

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