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Stahleisen - Technische Regeln

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 1992-10

SEE 201:1992-10
Werkstoffe für Werkzeuge in Rohr- und Strangpressen für die Verarbeitung von Kupfer und Kupferlegierungen

from 33.30 EUR VAT included

from 31.12 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 1995-08

SEE 202:1995-08
Warmarbeitswerkstoffe für Werkzeuge in Strangpressen für die Verarbeitung von Aluminium und Aluminiumlegierungen

from 28.10 EUR VAT included

from 26.26 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 1991-03

SEB 055501:1991-03
Maschinentechnik; Oberflächenbeschaffenheit und Toleranzen; Technische Anforderungen und Angaben in Zeichnungen

from 19.80 EUR VAT included

from 18.50 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 1985-08

SEB 055650:1985-08
Machine engineering; rolling bearings; tolerances for installation

from 19.80 EUR VAT included

from 18.50 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 1987-02

SEB 057602:1987-02
Maschinentechnik; Schrauben und Muttern; Auswahl

from 19.80 EUR VAT included

from 18.50 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 1985-08

SEB 057815:1985-08
Structural engineering; T-head bolts for anchor plates

from 19.80 EUR VAT included

from 18.50 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 1972-03

SEB 057820:1972-03
Machine beds; anchor lengths for machine and steel structures; guidelines

from 19.80 EUR VAT included

from 18.50 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 1990-11

SEB 058301:1990-11
Fördertechnik; Seiltriebe für Krane; Auswahl und Ausführung

from 27.00 EUR VAT included

from 25.23 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 1967-02

SEB 058702:1967-02
Cranage for metallurgical works; crane and crab buffers; connecting dimensions

from 19.80 EUR VAT included

from 18.50 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 1981-03

SEB 058901:1981-03
Materials handling technology; shipping drums for conveyor belts

from 19.80 EUR VAT included

from 18.50 EUR VAT excluded

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